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The Panhandle Polar Plunge is POSTPONED to Saturday, March 15th. 

Talent show a special event for those with disabilities

The This is Me talent show will off er a little bit of everything, organizer Sally Lorenzen says. One person with disabilities will do an Elvis impersonation at 
the event on Nov. 19 at 4 p.m. at the Garden Theater at 3125 Oak View Dr. Another will play the violin. One youngster will read an original poem. “Talents can be absolutely anything,” Lorenzen said. “These people just deserve a platform to show them off .”Lorenzen said her family has long been involved with activities for special needs children because of her own son, Jordan, who has an intellectual disability. His siblings, Ben, Ellie and Maddie, are putting on the show with their mom. About 20 acts, with participants from 5 to 40, will perform as well as three professional groups to open each of three acts. “My kids are really good at planning events,” Lorenzen said. “I’ve done more of the behind-the-scene emails and stuff like that.” The family wanted an event that would also give males with intellectual disabilities an opportunity to perform as well as girls.